
Please use the “contact” page to begin a dialogue with Candy about booking her for a speaking engagement.
Additional speaking topics, tailored to fit your event, are available.


Tackling Tough Topics
Suicide, divorce, infertility, care-giving, terminal or chronic illness, and abuse—life often involves difficult circumstances. The challenge is to write about painful experiences in a way that ministers to others rather than promotes a pity party. Learn to deal with tough topics in a manner that provides hope, healing, and encouragement, while catching an editor’s eye. Determine which publishers to target for niche topics and how best to structure your proposal and manuscript.

Essential elements of a Good Pitch-sheet (One-Sheet)
Editors and agents often prefer to see your book idea in abbreviated form, a single page “pitch sheet” rather than a full proposal. A pitch sheet summarizes and highlights the important elements of your book in just one page. So how is the sheet structured, what should it include, and how do you know if you’ve effectively conveyed the necessary information regarding your proposed book? Learn the answers to these questions in this workshop.

Nonfiction Book Building Blocks
It’s not unusual for aspiring writers to have a beeline focus on publishing a book. But like assembling and implementing the necessary building materials to construct a house, writers need to gain skills and establish credibility before attempting a book. Writing and speaking on your topic lay a good foundation, but there are other skills to master. In this workshop, learn the essential building blocks to construct your book and boost your chances of getting a nonfiction contract.

Creating an Effective Bio
Is it possible to write an effective bio even if you are pre-published? And if you’re already published, have you tailored your bio to reflect your credentials in the most positive light? In this workshop, discover why people find it difficult to write an effective bio, study actual bios of successful authors, and learn ways to enhance your current bio or write one from scratch.

Secrets of Self-Editing Success
Sometimes writers have the attitude that an editor’s job is to clean up their mistakes, but your writing may be consistently rejected because you’ve overlooked errors. Learning to self-edit is one of the best ways to refine your writing and increase your chances of publication. In this workshop, learn how to view your writing with an objective eye, think from your readers’ perspective, de-clutter your manuscript, and move your writing to the next level.

Writing and the Writing Life (multi-session)
Writers are often viewed through a romantic lens, but in reality, writing is more about discipline and persistence than quiet contemplation and a cup of tea. An athlete doesn’t qualify for the Olympics without training and competing at local and state levels first. Similarly, aspiring writers need to learn writing basics and understand the publishing industry before launching out. Few have the patience to see the dream through to fulfillment, but you can be the exception. Begin your training and take the first steps on the road to writing success with these sessions.


Waiting – Navigating Life Pauses

We live in a world of instant everything, so life pauses seem negative. When our plans are brought to a halt, we’re frustrated. Is waiting ever beneficial? What if pauses ensure protection, provide time for preparation, or develop patience? Waiting may be the catalyst for successfully navigating what lies ahead.

Moving Beyond Life’s Losses
Loss comes in many forms. How you respond to loss determines your ability to heal and move forward. The journey is an individual process that rarely fits into a neat package or predictable timeframe, but by understanding the elements inherent in loss, you can take steps to move beyond the emotions, challenges, and grief, and find joy in new circumstances.

The Gift of Forgiveness
While we’re thankful for God’s forgiveness and appreciate when others extend forgiveness to us, forgiving others, especially when they’ve deeply wounded us, feels like a different thing. Satan whispers deceptive ideas about forgiveness, lies that often halt the process. Emotions get involved, tying us up in knots of anger and resentment and holding us prisoner to negative thoughts and feelings. But when we fail to forgive we’re miserable, relationships are ruined, and we displease God. Learn the truth about forgiveness lies in this presentation.



Confronting Difficult Issues
As roles reverse and we begin the journey of parenting our parents, feelings of inadequacy often surface. Longstanding conflicts and emotional hot buttons factor in. But despite fears and frustrations, there are issues we must discuss, including finances, antiquated and ineffective ways of doing things, living conditions and arrangements, and end-of-life issues. Learn tips for approaching and dealing with difficult issues while honoring your aging loved ones.

Secrets of Effective Communication
If you’ve had trouble effectively communicating with your parents or other family members over the years, talking to them becomes even more difficult as you enter the caregiving phase of life. But once you understand the role personalities play, you may find a new level of effectiveness in communication. Learn tips for understanding the motivation for and meaning behind words, while adjusting your actions and reactions to enhance the communication process.

Becoming Involved in Your Parents’ Finances
At some point in your role as caregiver, you’ll likely be faced with either advising your parents regarding their finances or totally taking over. Learn pointers on how to handle this transition without making your parents feel incompetent, determine ways to cut expenses and preserve assets, and implement coping mechanisms for juggling your finances and theirs with minimal stress.

Acting as an Advocate for Your Parent
As parents age, their mental processes slow and comprehension in certain areas diminishes. Things they used to handle without a problem are now a source of confusion and frustration. Often, pride prevents them from asking for advice or clarification. But parents need our help to protect them from scams or to act as an advocate regarding healthcare and financial decisions. Learn how to become an advocate for your parents in this presentation.

Tripping Points and Triumphs of Caregiving
Often it’s the little things that trip us up: an over-zealous yet inexperienced advisor, your parent’s insistence on maintaining a way of doing things that makes your job as caregiver even more challenging, or something as simple as a long wait at the pharmacy or emergency room. Many times we focus on the challenges, but there are also high points on the caregiving journey. This discussion helps you identify your personal tripping points as well as recognize and enjoy the positive aspects of caregiving.