Words Left Unsaid

Sudden death is, by its very nature, unexpected. We all think we’ll have the next moment, hour, day, month, year to express feelings and speak the love we hold for those dear to us. January 3, 2024, ended my chance to say, to my husband, words left unsaid. I was rushing that day, in a […]

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Dealing with Life’s Unexpected

Last week, my husband had surgery. The anticipated overnight stay post-surgery evolved into three nights. On the day of discharge, the process dragged on for hours, making us arrive home late. A few complications landed us in the ER the next night. Unexpected. Several people special to me recently received cancer diagnoses. Unexpected. I know […]

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The Brevity of Life

Some weeks, as I sit at the computer to write a post for my blog, the concept comes together quickly, and words flow through my fingers. Other times, I watch a flashing cursor and white screen until an idea finally gels. This week was different. I started a post, had a full outline, knew where […]

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Birthday Reflections

This week, I hit a significant number on the birthday scale. I won’t reveal which number, but it is synonymous with a change in healthcare coverage. As I ponder my age, and the years that got me to this point, the following come to mind: History I am thankful for the family of which I […]

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Good Gifts

This week, with the approach of Father’s Day, I’m thinking of my daddy. He died much sooner than I was ready for him to, 30 years ago this year, and I still miss him. He was a good daddy, who knew how to give good gifts. I don’t necessarily mean material gifts, although he was […]

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Components of Love

A number of legends exist about the origin of Valentine’s Day. One story is tied to the Roman fertility festival, Lupercalia. Another traces the origin to a priest named Valentine, who defied the Roman emperor’s ban on marriage for young soldiers and performed weddings in secret ceremonies. Another legend suggests Valentine was imprisoned for helping […]

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