Finding the Key

For many months, I’ve been searching for the deadbolt key for the door from our sunroom to the deck. We hadn’t opened that door in years, but now, the threshold needs repairing. I looked through boxes, drawers, purses, and found many keys, but none were the key.

Last week, while rifling through a small basket, that used to live on the kitchen counter, I found three keys on a ring. None looked familiar. I almost threw them in a trash bag, but an inner voice prompted me to try them on the sunroom door. You guessed it. One of the keys opened the deadbolt! I was thrilled. No more waiting for locksmiths who never show up. No more looking for the elusive key. Best of all, now we have access to the threshold.

Finding the key after all these months sent my mind spinning. Many people are searching for the key to something: beauty, eternal youth, happiness, contentment, health, wealth, peace.

Following are reflections on finding the key for which you are searching:


At first, in my search for the key, I was determined. I systematically rummaged in every drawer and any other place where the key might have migrated. I even delved into the chaos of the garage, but my search was fruitless.

At some point, my determination and persistence waned. I reasoned the key was gone forever as a result of our 2016 kitchen remodel. The contents of the kitchen ended up in boxes all over the house. When I thought of all the places the key might be, I lost my fervor for finding it.

I went to a locksmith and told him the situation. He acted interested, wrote a work order, and weeks later still hadn’t called or come to the house. I called two more times. No locksmith. Finally, I called another “unlocker.” Again, interest, but no follow-through.

Then, last week, I accidentally found that for which I searched.

Have you experienced the same kind of searching—a fruitless endeavor that wasn’t resolved even when you enlisted help?

Recognizing the Real Keys

Initially, I didn’t recognize the key for which I was searching. In fact, I almost threw it away! Sometimes, we don’t recognize the real keys to life, even when they are right in front of us.

A few of the real keys:

God is in Control

We can’t make things happen when and how we want them to. No matter how much you try to control your world, the unexpected is right around the corner. I didn’t expect Jim to die January 3, 2024. With other family members, the decline was obvious. Although I didn’t know the exact day they would die, death was expected.

Realizing we aren’t in control brings fear and anxiety, but One greater than we is in control. Take comfort in knowing God is the key to anything life throws at you.

Beware Deterrents

Many obstacles slow forward motion. Discouragement, hopelessness, grief, health issues, even laziness, prevent us from continuing our search for the necessary keys for our situation.

Some days, I don’t feel like doing anything. It’s okay to take a break, to discontinue the search briefly. However, the key is to refresh and then return. Falling into complacency, and staying there too long, is a deterrent that is hard to overcome.

No matter what you face, employ courage, wisdom, and God-given strength.

Keep Moving Forward

Not every search ends as mine did. Some search, but never find.

As with many situations in life, the timing was out of my control. Forward motion halted until I found the key that unlocked the door. Perhaps it is the same for you. You want to move forward, but you can’t find the key. Keep looking. Accept the waiting and hold on to hope.

Finding the key seems like a small accomplishment in light of the obstacles many face, but I believe God taught me lessons.

First, the frustration of having locksmiths never come diminished when I realized God’s timing was involved. He knew where the key was hiding. He patiently waited until I found it.

A second lesson—sometimes we don’t value small things. I let the importance of that key get away from me. When I really needed the key, it was nowhere to be found. What small things do you need to value?

Third, persistence is an important key to forward motion. Without persistence, we sometimes miss out on all God has for us.

So, keep looking until you find the key.

“Don’t ever forget my words; keep them always in mind. They are the key to life for those who find them; they bring health to the whole body” (Proverbs 4:21-22 NCV).


Candy Arrington is an award-winning writer, blogger, and speaker. She often writes on tough topics with a focus on moving through, and beyond, difficult life circumstances. Candy has written hundreds of articles, stories, and devotions published by numerous outlets including:,,,,, Focus on the Family,,, and Writer’s Digest. Candy’s books include Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well (Bold Vision Books), When Your Aging Parent Needs Care (Harvest House), and AFTERSHOCK: Help, Hope, and Healing in the Wake of Suicide (B&H Publishing Group).

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