Finding the Key

For many months, I’ve been searching for the deadbolt key for the door from our sunroom to the deck. We hadn’t opened that door in years, but now, the threshold needs repairing. I looked through boxes, drawers, purses, and found many keys, but none were the key. Last week, while rifling through a small basket, […]

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When Plans Go Awry

Are you a planner? Do you fit your life onto a calendar and dare anything or anyone to mess with it? Planning gives a sense of control, yet none of us can totally control the course of our lives. Plans go awry without notice. How we respond to change determines how well we adjust to […]

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Handling Seasons of Change

This week heralds the beginning of fall, but, here in the south, the weather hasn’t gotten the word. Although the nights tease with temperatures in the 60s, days top the charts in the 90s. Personally, I have enjoyed the sun-filled days and extra time to swim before putting a lid on the pool for the […]

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5 Reasons Why Faith is Hard

Life is full of questions, uncertainties, and things that don’t make sense. Often, circumstances slow you down or halt forward motion altogether. One element that is often overlooked in life struggles is the power of faith. Some think faith is a crutch, and others never fully utilize its power. While it isn’t easy, faith is […]

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