And Guess What

Fillers. All of us use them when speaking. Yours might be “um,” “you know,” or “right.” My four-year-old grandson’s conversation filler is “And guess what.” Although he invites you to guess, he leaves no room for you to speak, plowing forward with his next thought— “And guess what, I have a loose tooth. And guess […]

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Remembering the Good

For the last several weeks, I’ve been going through boxes long buried in our garage and Jim’s home office. Sifting through the detritus of the life of a loved one, and the places that life intersects with yours, is a bittersweet experience. Scenes appear. Conversations float. Memories take on a life of their own. Some […]

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5 Tips for Navigating Loss

Although we usually associate loss with death, loss comes in many forms. Perhaps your loss is related to a broken relationship, a health situation, a life change, or some other challenge. No matter how loss comes, working through it takes time. Following are some tips to help you successfully navigate loss: Grieve Your Loss Sometimes […]

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Expect Good

This week I am at a writing conference. Honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to it. Last month was one of ups and downs, challenges on top of challenges, and lots of stress and physical exhaustion. Thoughts of a week of a fast-paced conference schedule at a mountainside retreat center only added to my level of […]

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Seasonal Changes

Many people love fall because it heralds cooler weather and the upcoming holidays. Yet others view autumn with dread because it rolls into the cold, bleak, darkness of winter. Life is a succession of changes. Life seasons come and go, just as they do in nature. How we view seasons of personal change has an […]

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Finding Peace During a Pandemic

As I sat on our deck early one morning, I experienced peace for the first time in many weeks. A gentle breeze rustled the trees. Alternating cicada chatter and birdsong filled the air. Dappled sunlight painted patterns on the lawn and puffy white clouds floated by in a bright azure sky. For those moments, to-do […]

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