
The room is dark and silent except for your steady breathing, punctuated by an occasional stop and restart. Death waits, lurking in a shadowy corner. Your leg moves. A nurse attends. Grief engulfs, squeezing our hearts, wrapping tendrils around us like the curtains surrounding your bed. When will your chest fall and not rise? When […]

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Grief at Christmas

Will this be a difficult Christmas for you? Amid all the activities and festivities, is your heart breaking as you miss the presence of a loved one? Loss comes in many different forms and the associated grief manifests differently for each of us. Your grief may be new or surface afresh after many years. I […]

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5 Truths Learned from Tragedy

Recently, I watched several documentaries about the terrorists attacks that occurred September 11, 2001. The programs chronicled the lives of several survivors. Each person began by conveying facts, but as they got further into their stories, and details emerged of the loss of friends, personal injury, or descriptions of the horrors they saw that day, […]

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