Remembering the Good

For the last several weeks, I’ve been going through boxes long buried in our garage and Jim’s home office. Sifting through the detritus of the life of a loved one, and the places that life intersects with yours, is a bittersweet experience. Scenes appear. Conversations float. Memories take on a life of their own. Some […]

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Words Left Unsaid

Sudden death is, by its very nature, unexpected. We all think we’ll have the next moment, hour, day, month, year to express feelings and speak the love we hold for those dear to us. January 3, 2024, ended my chance to say, to my husband, words left unsaid. I was rushing that day, in a […]

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Enduring Love

Valentine’s Day 2024 is my first Valentine’s Day in 44 years without my husband. Please do not feel sorry for me. I’ve received unexpected cards, chocolates, and other expressions of love. And I have a dinner date with the cutest, sweetest 6-year-old little man, who looks a lot like his Bop. Jim and I had […]

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The Gift of Family

Last week, we shared days of family time. As expected, all was not perfect—some bumps and scrapes, tears, mornings that started earlier than weary parents wanted them to—yet plenty of moments to treasure. Family is a gift we often take for granted. Following are thoughts on cherishing the gift of family: Ties That Bind As […]

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Take Time

Last week, someone I don’t know took the time to email me, telling me how much an article I wrote five or six months ago meant to her. As a writer, knowing your words have a positive impact on others is a great gift. If this person hadn’t spent those few minutes writing a brief […]

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Uncovering Blessings in Hard Things

In recent months, I have spent lots of time sorting, cleaning out, and throwing away at my maternal grandparents’ home, where two of my aunts also lived. It’s been an arduous task going through the remnants of multiple lives. Sifting through photos and other memorabilia has also been emotionally overwhelming at times. But as I’ve […]

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Lessons Gleaned from Old Photos

In the process of cleaning out my aunt’s house, I’ve discovered a treasure trove of old photos, some I’ve never seen before. I’ve always loved vintage photographs. They send my mind spiraling to a different time and place. Both my parents enjoyed photography. In fact, my mother was the photographer for the local newspaper during […]

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Birthday Reflections

This week, I hit a significant number on the birthday scale. I won’t reveal which number, but it is synonymous with a change in healthcare coverage. As I ponder my age, and the years that got me to this point, the following come to mind: History I am thankful for the family of which I […]

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