Enjoying Now

Sometimes, we forget to enjoy now because we get caught up in thinking joy comes later. I’ll enjoy the moment when I accomplish this or that. I’ll be happy when this problem is resolved. I can relax and enjoy life after I’ve jumped these hurdles. In looking ahead, in focusing on forward motion, don’t miss […]

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Take Time

Last week, someone I don’t know took the time to email me, telling me how much an article I wrote five or six months ago meant to her. As a writer, knowing your words have a positive impact on others is a great gift. If this person hadn’t spent those few minutes writing a brief […]

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Finding Peace During a Pandemic

As I sat on our deck early one morning, I experienced peace for the first time in many weeks. A gentle breeze rustled the trees. Alternating cicada chatter and birdsong filled the air. Dappled sunlight painted patterns on the lawn and puffy white clouds floated by in a bright azure sky. For those moments, to-do […]

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The Resurrection Life

One night, just as I was getting in bed, I heard the persistent whine of an alarm. After several minutes, I peeked out the window, slightly annoyed that someone was allowing the noise to continue for so long. But the sound seemed closer than a neighbor’s house. I walked down the hall and the sound […]

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