Slaying Your Giants

Do you have giants in your life you can’t seem to overcome? Right now, the giant we are facing is my husband’s upcoming surgery. Unknowns exist. Some aspects are a little scary, especially since the surgeon gave him a backout opportunity at the pre-op appointment. But we are going ahead, with faith, and trusting God […]

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Moving Ahead

Within the next few weeks, a significant life chapter closes for me. Many of you have followed my chronicles of cleaning out the house my father built in 1966 for my grandparents and aunts and preparing it for sale. Last week, the house went on the market. Less than 24 hours later, it was under […]

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Finding Peace

Do you struggle to find peace? Are there days when you wish you could grab just a tiny piece of peace to cultivate calmness and relieve stress? We live in a society that promotes contentiousness rather than peace, so grasping and holding onto peace are challenging. Following are some suggestions to promote personal peace: Squelch […]

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Recognizing What Holds You Captive

Earlier this week, my husband and I watched the first installment of a PBS drama that focused on the final years of slavery in early nineteenth century colonial Jamaica. As always, the portrayal of the brutality and injustice of slavery was jarring and unsettling. While we do not experience the type of slavery present centuries […]

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10 Things to Consider Giving Up This Year

The new year is like a blank canvas awaiting first brush strokes. You have options about how to fill that canvas—the preparation, colors, shading, and picture type. Will you choose a self-portrait with clarity and depth, or one that is a jumble of Picasso-esque forms? To gain perspective, glance back at last year’s portrait. Are […]

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