
This week, I closed on the sale of my aunt’s house. Getting to this point has been a 10-month process. At times, I felt I would never come to this day because the task of cleaning out the house felt like a mountain too high to scale. But like many things in life, reaching this point was a step-by-step process.

During the ten months, a cyclamen languished in my aunt’s kitchen. I occasionally watered the plant, but didn’t do much more, other than making sure it was in a place to receive the afternoon sun.

The estate sale company put a price tag on the plant, but even the low amount didn’t convince anyone to buy it. Finally, a few weeks before the house went on the market, I brought it home and placed it on our deck in a location under the eaves. Surprisingly, the plant, which only had two straggly leaves, began to respond to its new home. As I watched the plant put out new, hardy leaves, the word “flourish” came to mine. Despite months of non-optimal conditions, the plant survived, and now flourishes.

Following are thoughts on what it takes to flourish:

Better Conditions

My aunt’s cyclamen hung on until circumstances improved. Like the plant, we often have no way of knowing when conditions will get better. We’re faced with the choice of hanging on or calling it quits. Although it’s tempting to give up, keep looking ahead, trusting forward motion will resume.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe circumstances will change, but tomorrow may be the day hardship moderates and you gain a glimpse of a brighter future. Grasp that possibility and hold tightly.

Fresh Air

Once my aunt’s plant was out of the stuffy house in a more natural environment, it began to grow and thrive.

Do you need a breath of fresh air today? Perhaps the breath of fresh air you need is figurative rather than literal. Perhaps your fresh air is an infusion of hope or spiritual renewal. Or maybe you need literal fresh air. Time spent in nature refreshes, renews, and changes your perspective.


Sometimes we forget plants need food in addition to water. The meager cups of water I poured on my aunt’s plant during the months it was at her house kept the plant alive, but didn’t provide much in the way of nourishment.

For us, nourishment isn’t just about food for the physical body. We need to nourish creatively, spiritually, and mentally. Remember to feed your soul in the same way you feed your body.


For a plant, light is an essential element. My aunt’s plant survived with limited light for months, but when it received daily sunlight, it flourished.

Perhaps you have placed yourself in darkness without realizing it. Are you listening only to negative voices, or reading content that inspires fear and hopelessness? Are you looking at the world with negative eyes, waiting for the next bad thing to happen?

Now is a good time to give yourself a dose of Sonlight. Remember God’s goodness and faithfulness. Silence negative voices. Surround yourself with those who speak words of truth and wisdom, those who see and promote positivity. An infusion of this kind of light (wisdom, truth, positivity), will change your perspective and help you flourish.

“Those who are devoted to God will flourish like budding date-palm trees; they will grow strong and tall like cedars in Lebanon. Those planted in the house of the Eternal will thrive in the courts of our God. They will bear fruit into old age; even in winter; they will be green and full of sap” (Psalm 92: 12-14 VOICE).


Candy Arrington is a writer, blogger, speaker, and freelance editor. She often writes on tough topics with a focus on moving through, and beyond, difficult life circumstances. Candy has written hundreds of articles, stories, and devotionals published by numerous outlets including: Inspiration.org, Arisedaily.com, CBN.com, Healthgrades.com, Care.com, Focus on the Family, NextAvenue.org, CountryLiving.com, and Writer’s Digest. Candy’s books include Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well (Bold Vision Books), When Your Aging Parent Needs Care (Harvest House), and AFTERSHOCK: Help, Hope, and Healing in the Wake of Suicide (B&H Publishing Group).

To receive Candy’s blog, Forward Motion, via email, go to https://candyarrington.com/blog/ and scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up.



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  1. Candy, A friend has a sign which I truly appreciate outside her apartment door. “If you’re going through a hard time–keep going.” This blog reinforces that concept. Thanks for sharing. Peggy

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