A Positive Perspective in Hard Life Seasons

Maintaining a positive perspective in hard life seasons is challenging. It’s easy to drift into a woe-is-me mindset and forget the way you feel now won’t last forever.

One of my most difficult challenges in this season of grief is dreaming about Jim and then waking to find him not here. Sometimes, I don’t even realize I’m crying until tears run down my face. I long to go back to sleep and try to recapture the dream, but reality is in front of me and must be dealt with and accepted.

Following are reflections on gaining a positive perspective when reality is hard:

A Life of Ease Isn’t Promised

Sometimes, we forget we aren’t promised a life of ease. Difficulty is a normal part of life, and it is in the hard seasons that we experience the most growth.

Faith doesn’t exempt us from suffering. However, we can opt for a positive perspective. Will you choose hope and joy or resentment and anger?

Most of us resist the struggle of hardship, but when we look for what God is teaching us in those times, we learn and grow. We don’t always learn those lessons while traversing the valley, but later, we realize and see more clearly.

The Fear Factor

Fear is the greatest deterrent to a forward-looking perspective. When fear takes over, it clouds your vision and eliminates the chance for a positive perspective. Trust is the antidote to fear. Trust says, “I hope and believe for a positive outcome because God sees, knows, and cares.”

A Forward-looking Perspective

The biblical story of Lot’s wife always comes to mind when I am tempted to look back and long for former things. Lot’s wife just couldn’t resist one last look back at her former life. She’d been warned to run and not cast her eyes backwards, but she couldn’t stop herself from one last glance in life’s rearview mirror. The outcome was devastating. She turned into a pillar of salt.

The urge to look back, to wish for what you once had, is so tempting. It’s okay to reminisce, but avoid staying in the past too long. God has plans for your future, so don’t miss what lies ahead while looking back.

The Seasonal Aspect of Life

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for fall. I’m thankful I live in an area of the country that experiences all four seasons, usually with moderate climate changes. I love each season, but I’m always ready for the cycle that brings the next one.

We have a little saying in my state, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.” Although life seasons often take longer to change than the seasons of nature, they eventually do change. Just when you think you can’t stand it anymore, hard life seasons moderate. You see change on the horizon and know you can make it to the next season.

God is Faithful

From personal experience, I can testify that God is faithful. Even in the most difficult life seasons, God’s presence provides peace and comfort.

Although it may take a while for the next season to come, and God’s plan for that season to be revealed, hang on tightly, trusting change is ahead and forward motion is possible. Just as darkness gives way to light, tears dry, and joy rules the day.

“The deepest pains may linger through the night, but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning” (Psalm 30:5b VOICE).


Candy Arrington is an award-winning writer, blogger, and speaker. She often writes on tough topics with a focus on moving through, and beyond, difficult life circumstances. Candy has written hundreds of articles, stories, and devotions published by numerous outlets including: Inspiration.org, Arisedaily.com, CBN.com, Healthgrades.com, Care.com, Focus on the Family, NextAvenue.org, CountryLiving.com, and Writer’s Digest. Candy’s books include Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well (Bold Vision Books), When Your Aging Parent Needs Care (Harvest House), and AFTERSHOCK: Help, Hope, and Healing in the Wake of Suicide (B&H Publishing Group).

To receive Candy’s blog, Forward Motion, via email, go to https://candyarrington.com/blog/ and scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up.



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