Beyond the Pall

Pall—a casket covering used during the funeral, from the Latin pallium, or cloak. The days following Jim’s death were a flurry of activity—trips to the mortuary and cemetery, planning his celebration of life service, numerous necessary phone calls and texts, and people constantly in and out of the house. I was focused on doing the next […]

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With Thanksgiving

Historically we think of Thanksgiving as a time of feasting. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims had been on American soil less than a year. During that time, over half the original colonists died from disease or starvation. The Pilgrims hosted the first feast to celebrate life with their Indian friends and give thanks […]

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The Brevity of Life

Some weeks, as I sit at the computer to write a post for my blog, the concept comes together quickly, and words flow through my fingers. Other times, I watch a flashing cursor and white screen until an idea finally gels. This week was different. I started a post, had a full outline, knew where […]

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The Power of Your Story

Last weekend, I taught at a writing conference. Each time I teach at a conference, I become increasingly aware that our lives weave a story. Some lives are stories of abuse, neglect, betrayal, and struggle. Other lives involve miracles, healing, and thankfulness. Life stories are powerful. Your personal story is unique and multifaceted. Each life […]

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Anchor Roots

Looking through possessions, pictures, and letters at my aunt’s house stirred so many memories and turned my thoughts to my ancestors and various types of life roots. Maybe signs of an early spring played into my pondering of roots. Or perhaps walking the yard with a landscaper and seeing trees that have anchored themselves deeply […]

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Life Changes

Recently, my husband retired. Over the years, we discussed his retiring at this time, but ultimately, the decision came with mixed emotions. He has so identified with his work as an architect that retiring feels like closing a major life chapter. Yet, he is ready for less stress and a slower pace. As with most […]

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When Life Hands You a Cluster of Difficulty

In my search for tomatoes that taste like the kind my father used to grow in the backyard, I discovered the ones that come closest are what the grocery store labels “cluster tomatoes,” the kind with the vine still attached. Sometimes, strange things, like cluster tomatoes, speak to me about life. As I unloaded groceries, […]

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Life in a Holding Pattern

Last weekend, we enjoyed a quick trip to the beach. It was great to spend time with family and relax a little, but road construction made the trip there and back slow. While creeping along at 3 mph or sitting in a parking lot of traffic, I thought about how we often experience similar slowdowns […]

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Thanksgiving Year-Round

Last week, our family gathered to celebrate the life of an amazing woman. Technically, she was my cousin-in-law, but I thought of her as blood kin because she was like us. Any time you were with her you felt special. Her laughter and smile were contagious. She was a great storyteller, but more than that, […]

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