Finding Personal Peace in Turbulent Times

I don’t follow the news as much as I used to. Not because I’m not interested, but because the slant of most news outlets in our country has become so negative. While I am interested and want to stay informed, I don’t want to be bombarded by negativism, questionable stories, and verbiage designed to stir up conflict.

Upheaval in our lives comes on a more personal level in the form of relationship issues, emotional turmoil, financial stress, and a number of other sources. Often it feels as if life is a whirl of problems and urgent issues that vie for our time and attention.

Experiencing peace is challenging, even for those who remain calm in all situations. So let’s examine some methods of finding peace in turbulent times.

Seek wisdom

Many view scripture as antiquated and out of touch with reality. Instead, it overflows with wisdom relevant for today. Current culture is not the first rife with uncertainty , injustice, abuse, political unrest, wars and rumors of war. Much of scripture deals with people living in captivity or under the laws of authoritarian conquest. Fear, injustice, and persecution were prevalent. Yet scripture records methods for finding peace in adversity. Study this wisdom and apply it to your life.

“Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times.”  (Isaiah 33:6 NKJV)

Shut out loud, strident voices

In recent months, I have discovered social media is often the source of loud voices that negate personal peace. Of course, the solution for this is to refrain from social media, but often we are so engaged we return again and again to this source of turmoil. And when we’re not on social media, we’re formulating how we’d respond, even if we never post our responses. While there are benefits to connecting with others via social media, the negatives often out-weigh the positives.

Sometimes, strident voices are closer to home in the form of a friend or family member who feels compelled to voice opinions and delights in drawing you into debate. Resist, if at all possible. However, if you can’t escape the person, memorize the words to a song or a passage of scripture you can silently recall during the diatribe. This is one scenario when it is acceptable to not pay attention!

See beyond current circumstances

One of the biggest challenges of experiencing peace is cultivating the ability to realize that what is currently happening is not permanent. The situations you are experiencing right now aren’t necessarily indicative of what you can expect from now on. Just as the sun reappears after a deluge of rain, so turbulent times moderate and tranquility ensues.

Give up worry

I often hear people say, “I give my concerns to God and then I snatch them right back.” To me, this says they have a difficult time relinquishing control and don’t trust God with the outcome of their concerns. Releasing control requires practice, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Ultimately, even if your worst fears are realized, God promises to make any difficult journey with you. A relationship with God is the key to personal peace. No matter what circumstances you encounter in your life, or how turbulent world events, God will never to leave you. Trust Him and move forward in faith.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT)

Is finding peace an ongoing struggle for you?

What are your most successful methods of experiencing peace in turbulent times?

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