Living in Limbo

Limbo: noun, an intermediate or transitional place or state: a state of uncertainty. Do you ever feel you are living in limbo? I do. Since Jim’s death, the adjustment to a new normal, combined with various other situations leave me with a sense of uncertainty and unfinishedness. One small hitch has probate in limbo. One […]

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Experiencing and Managing Emotions

God created us with the ability to experience emotions. But if you’ve ever lashed out in anger or been the victim of someone’s anger, you know unbridled emotions are powerful and can be destructive. Thankfully, we don’t have to be a slave to our emotions. How we act and react, and whether we allow our […]

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Slaying Your Giants

Do you have giants in your life you can’t seem to overcome? Right now, the giant we are facing is my husband’s upcoming surgery. Unknowns exist. Some aspects are a little scary, especially since the surgeon gave him a backout opportunity at the pre-op appointment. But we are going ahead, with faith, and trusting God […]

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And … Suddenly We Have a Problem

In recent days, we’ve had one of those unexpected problems no one wants to deal with—an overflowing toilet. And, of course, this fiasco happened on a weekend, so no help from a plumber until Monday. I’ll spare the graphic details but suffice to say sopping up potty overflow is an unwanted and unpleasant job. Do […]

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A March Season of Life

For most of us, March marks the return of spring, and with it, new vegetation, multiple shades of green, milder temperatures, and bright blue skies. Yet, March is a month known for its changeability. Sometimes, within just a few hours, spring-like weather morphs into strong, biting winds, severe storms, or a sudden return to frigid […]

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Combating Anxiety

In a world filled with strife, unrest, and fear, anxiety nips at our heals and niggles at the back of our thoughts. If we allow it, anxiety can overtake our minds and hearts to the point of rendering us ineffective for other life pursuits. While anxiety may always be waiting in the wings, we can […]

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Responding to Pain

In recent weeks, I have become increasingly aware of those in various types of pain. A friend and also a family member who are experiencing physical pain. Extended family members endured the emotional pain of watching the physical pain of a loved one’s final days on earth. Others suffer pain related to aging or chronic […]

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The Emotions Inherent in Life Pauses

Emotions are God-given and part of our humanness. They serve an important purpose by allowing us to express feelings and release tensions. Sometimes, we avoid emotions, suppressing them until we can experience them at a more convenient time. But often that moment never comes and those squelched emotions bubble to the surface unexpectedly and in […]

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