All the Little Hard Things

Several weeks ago, I opened the app for our local hospital system to check information about an upcoming appointment. I was surprised to see the “Widowed” box checked on my profile. Although I hadn’t changed my marital status, apparently the system defaulted to it after I canceled all Jim’s appointments and various offices marked him […]

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5 Points on Pivoting

Basketball fans know the meaning of pivot—to turn while keeping part of a foot firmly planted on the floor in an effort to protect the ball from a defender or gain a better vantage point for passing or shooting. Sometimes we encounter situations that force us to pivot. Life pivots require courage and a willingness […]

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Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Anyone who has served as a caregiver for any length of time knows the challenges, one of the greatest being self-care. When your focus is on someone else, you put off seeing your own needs and attending to them. Don’t be fooled into thinking caregiving applies only to the aging. Mothers, spouses, siblings, and friends, […]

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3 Keys to Successful Forward Motion

I’ve enjoyed watching my grandchildren grow and reach developmental milestones, among them, learning to crawl and walk. Each had a slightly different method of getting to the point of locomotion. One grandchild initially propelled herself forward with a scoot-crawl. She planted one foot and then swung the other knee forward. Her method looked awkward, but […]

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