Beyond the Pall

Pall—a casket covering used during the funeral, from the Latin pallium, or cloak. The days following Jim’s death were a flurry of activity—trips to the mortuary and cemetery, planning his celebration of life service, numerous necessary phone calls and texts, and people constantly in and out of the house. I was focused on doing the next […]

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The Brevity of Life

Some weeks, as I sit at the computer to write a post for my blog, the concept comes together quickly, and words flow through my fingers. Other times, I watch a flashing cursor and white screen until an idea finally gels. This week was different. I started a post, had a full outline, knew where […]

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Support for the Grieving

Last week, we celebrated the life of my 96-year-old aunt. Although we miss her, her death was the natural outcome of a long life well lived. At the visitation, many shared stories of their friendship with her and what she meant to them over the years. Those stories delighted and encouraged me. No one said […]

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Maintaining Connections

This week I learned of the death of a childhood friend. We were the same age and first met in kindergarten. We both took piano lessons from my grandmother and shared stage nerves sitting behind the gold curtains at Case Brothers Music House. We whispered teenage secrets and confided young adult angst. I hosted a […]

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