
The room is dark and silent except for your steady breathing, punctuated by an occasional stop and restart. Death waits, lurking in a shadowy corner. Your leg moves. A nurse attends. Grief engulfs, squeezing our hearts, wrapping tendrils around us like the curtains surrounding your bed. When will your chest fall and not rise? When […]

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Getting a Grasp on Gratitude

Have you ever wished you had something so much, and been so focused on attaining it, you were miserable? Many times, we can’t be thankful for what we have because we’re so focused on what we’re lacking. And sometimes, when we want something we don’t have and can’t seem to get, we’re not only sad, […]

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5 Ways to Avoid Becoming Hard-Hearted

Have you ever known a person you’d describe as hard-hearted? You know, someone who is closed, non-communicative, devoid of compassion, unfeeling, stern. Behind the stiff exterior are probably many factors related to how and why the person reached this point, but you’d likely never be able to crack through the layers of protective shell to […]

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