With Thanksgiving

Historically we think of Thanksgiving as a time of feasting. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims had been on American soil less than a year. During that time, over half the original colonists died from disease or starvation. The Pilgrims hosted the first feast to celebrate life with their Indian friends and give thanks […]

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Year-Round Thankfulness

When you think of giving thanks, do you imagine a Thursday in November with family, gathered around an overflowing table? Or perhaps you envision endless football on TV, the making of Christmas lists, and plans for marathon shopping sprees. But shouldn’t Thanksgiving be more than one day a year? Among the definitions of “thankful” are […]

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Relishing Relationships

This week marks 30 years since my father died. When you have a good Daddy, thirty years is a long time to live without him. But intertwined in missing him are the memories of his hugs, with a jiggly squeeze at the end, the sight of his dimples when he told tall tales, his love, […]

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Thanksgiving Year-Round

Last week, our family gathered to celebrate the life of an amazing woman. Technically, she was my cousin-in-law, but I thought of her as blood kin because she was like us. Any time you were with her you felt special. Her laughter and smile were contagious. She was a great storyteller, but more than that, […]

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Getting a Grasp on Gratitude

Have you ever wished you had something so much, and been so focused on attaining it, you were miserable? Many times, we can’t be thankful for what we have because we’re so focused on what we’re lacking. And sometimes, when we want something we don’t have and can’t seem to get, we’re not only sad, […]

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4 Reasons to Count Your Blessings

  One of my greatest blessings is spending time with my grandchildren. Sweet smiles, snuggles, new words, waves, blown kisses, and first steps are among the joys. Recently, our granddaughter started reciting the names of her loved ones when we gather for a meal. Mommy and Daddy are first, followed by others at the table—Glam […]

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