Remembering and “Disremembering”

Many years ago, a man who worked for my father used the term “disremember.” He’d apologize when he failed to do something by saying, “I disremembered to do that.” While this terminology brings a chuckle and stretches the bounds of made-up words, it’s actually not a bad idea to stop ruminating on certain memories and ideas. Likewise, there are other things that are important and beneficial to remember.

What to Disremember

Criticism – Many attempt to elevate themselves by criticizing others. You may be well acquainted with someone who is adept at dishing out criticism in a casual manner with a smile on her face. But criticism cuts deeply and it takes a lot to move past it. Just remember most critics are jealous, insecure, or legalistic and their opinion is just their perspective.

Hurts /Embarrassments – We’ve all been hurt by words,  by being excluded, or having someone purposely embarrass us. When I was in high school, a girl in my class was skilled at asking me questions in front of others and then twisting my answers to make me look stupid. She even had a group of girls who followed her around and acted as her cheerleaders, constantly ready to laugh and whisper at those she targeted. Most of the time, I’m successful at “disremembering” those years, but even to this day, I’m easily embarrassed.

Regrets – We all have regrets, but we can’t go back in time and change what we said or did, or failed to say or do. However, we can learn from those times and take the lessons with us as we move ahead.

Confessed and forgiven sin – Satan loves to resurrect past mistakes and sins and use them to damage our self-esteem. Enticing us to sin and then reminding us how much we messed up is his specialty. But this is what we need to remember about what God does with confessed sin: “As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:12 AMP) This is one time when long distance vision needs to be disengaged.

What to Remember

Blessings – Our culture tells us success and position are dependent on our own efforts, when, in fact, anything we have or accomplish is the result of God’s blessing. It’s easy to focus on things in our lives that are difficult or less than we’d like, but when you shift your vision to blessings, your perspective changes.

Achievements – Discouragement is one of our greatest enemies. That’s why it’s good to occasionally remind yourself of what you’ve accomplished or overcome, viewed through a lens of gratitude rather than self-sufficient pride.

Others – Sometimes we get so self-focused we forget there are others struggling with life issues, too. Take time to think of others and help when possible.

Promises – While we all have people in our lives who fall far short of what they promise, God’s promises are true, trustworthy, and memorable.

Tomorrow – While today may look bleak with insurmountable hurdles, tomorrow brings hope, new perspectives, and ideas for solutions. Remember, you don’t have to do everything in your own strength or out of your own resources. Others are wise and willing and God is your greatest advocate and friend. All you have to do is ask.

“The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 GNT)

A crucial step in moving ahead is remembering what helps you take the next step, but also “disremembering” what holds you back.


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